
I have now been back at work and admittedly…I miss it. I miss it a lot actually.

Derrick navigating 3 little women in 3 different stages of life.

I miss being at home with my daughters. You see when my wife and I decided to try for another little one to add to the “Newby Nest”, we planned to do things a little different than what we did with Sophia. Quite a bit had changed from when we had her, specifically two important factors. Ro was no longer working weekends and I was now working for the library, which is very generous with their paid time off offerings unlike my past job in retail. We looked at everything and decided that after her maternity leave had ran out I would take off an additional month to stave to avoid having to worry about childcare for a little longer. Fast forward a bit, Catalina was born, Ro spent her three months at home with her recuperating and showering our baby with love…and occasionally breast milk (Made myself laugh on that one).

The week I was set to take over was also the week school let out for our other two children. Now I have to admit, I was a little anxious about the prospect of not only keeping my kids alive for the next month, but also making it enjoyable. But, I made up my mind that I was about to rock this Daddy-duty time! I looked up all the summer activities I could find and programmed them into my calendar app. I also grabbed me an official “Dad hat”. I was ready!

To my surprise, the first couple of weeks went great. We managed to find that sweet spot between outside-the-house activities, inside-the-house activities, and keeping the baby content throughout. By the third week we had enrolled the oldest two in a summer reading program that lasted from 8-3 p.m. I was happy they were going to have the chance to play and learn with other kids, but I was also a little sad because we had just found our rhythm.

I still had my Lina Bug though, so for those last two weeks we walked every morning with Claire talking to the neighbors and listening to Pastor Mike, Pastor Steven, or whatever other pastor I could find on the podcasts app soaking up the sun, enjoying what little breeze there was. I would spend the rest of the day changing diapers, feeding, staring in Lina’s eyes trying to soak it all up, and then I would realize there still another 7 HOURS until Ro got back from work. During those 7 or so hours, I reflected a lot and wanted to share the biggest things I learned.


1. I CAN do this.

I have always struggled a bit with anxiety and in fact we took that into consideration before we decided to try for Catalina. Rightly so, Ro was worried that the additional (completely normal) stress of a new baby would send me overboard. To be honest, I was worried too, but something or perhaps Someone told me it would be ok. I learned that half the battle is in your preparation. I had become so comfortable with my anxiety that I would just try to avoid situations that trigger it. But life doesn’t work that way. It is stressful, and chaotic, and random, but it is beautiful if you can learn to embrace it. What did my plans look like? They went something like this: Get kids ready (Don’t worry if they don’t look like they just stepped off the fashion runway as long as their teeth are brushed, eye buggers are gone, and clothes are mostly clean). Get to your destination and don’t worry if you end up being a few minutes behind, you have THREE kids to get to the same place in one piece…if you don’t leave one then you’re doing just fine. Then you have to attend to the baby’s needs before they even register with her (cause you’re a boss). Lastly and most importantly, be ready to have to scrap the whole “mission” and head back home to regroup. Kids don’t care about your plans, if they need a snack and a nap. By the grace of God, it worked and I was able to take my girls out and keep it together. As an added bonus, I think they picked up on my newfound “zen” and therefore they were kind of chill.  Best part is I looked cool, calm, and collected when wifey came home. Which made her feel better about leaving me to care for 3 little humans.

That face of trying to help your daughter through a tantrum when you’re about to lose it, too.


 2. Our children NEED us!

My dad had stopped by and I shared with him that sometimes it feels odd that I didn’t see more guys out with their little ones. We talked about how when I first started having a family I noticed my friend circle got smaller and smaller. My dad told me how he experienced the very same thing raising my 4 younger sisters. He was the primary caretaker so where he went…they went. It was comforting to hear him be so candid about his feelings during that time.

I know there are some amazing fathers out there serving their wives and children with all their heart, in whatever capacitythat they can. I see plenty of dads breaking the mold and doing whatever is needed of them. I also see dads that have to make the hard sacrifice of spending time with their kids to ensure the family is provided for. I want to honor all of them because it is a tough and at times a thankless job, so my hats off to you for choosing to show up every day. With that being said, even today there still seems to be some taboo about what the roles of each parent are…comforter, provider, motivator, protector, and so on.

Often times, we get pulled into to certain patterns that can limit the potential of our families.

I want to say to all the dads that don’t feel that they can do what the moms because “they’re just better at it”, or you don’t want to “mess up the kids”, or whatever else…DUDE, YOU GOT THIS. YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS.

Are there differences in what each parent may be better at? Sure, but I am tired of the idea that moms are the better caretakers and we are just bumbling around with no sense of what we are doing. We are better than that. There are critical lessons that are kids are hungry for that they can only get from US as fathers, and we have to be present to deliver.

Baby-wearing while on a hike at Petit Jean.

 3. The mothers NEED us!

Now before you beat the drum of independence, I am NOT saying that mothers are hopelessly dependent on the men around them. There are countless mothers who bear the full weight of parenthood and raise outstanding children. Likewise, as is the case in my home, there are mothers who are the glue that keeps everyone and everything together, and without them the family would lose its form.

What I mean is that our mothers need our support. If you are married that means breaking her out so she can go see that movie she’s been wanting to see with her friends or holding down the house so she can go get pampered a little (trust me…it’s a win win). Sometimes it is as simple as holding the baby so she can eat with TWO hands. The point is as husbands we need to be actively looking for ways to ease their burden. That goes double for the single mothers. They are pulling double the load. Whatever community that you are a part of and you see single moms, if you are in a position to help, even a little, it matters. This is not about comparing the hardships of fatherhood to motherhood. The reality is history has placed most of the responsibility of child rearing on the mothers. It is time we step up and take our rightful place as the influencers of the home.










burdens & loads.

It took me a long time to find this rock in my yard. The dog and my neighbors looked at me like I was insane.

Hi friends, 

I’ve been feeling somewhat heavy hearted lately, nothing is necessarily wrong. Just daily life. You know the normal hustle of the day. I seem to get swept away by the daily anxieties of life: did I pay that bill, did I call my mom, have I fed the dog, did I give Sophia her snack? 

Our life can get pretty overwhelming if believe we’re made to handle it all ourselves. I believe much of our struggles come from not knowing what to carry and what to leave at Jesus’ feet. 

So let’s talk loads and burdens. Loads are the daily responsibilities of life. If you learn how to somewhat effectively carry loads, it can help you grow spiritually and strengthen your relationship with God and others. In my life this means dealing with an eye-rolling pre-teen, surviving dinner (someone always cries because of what’s on the plate, and most often it’s me), and attempting to make my health a priority. These daily struggles take up so much energy, but as stated in Romans 3, they are made to create endurance. And we all know marriage and parenting is going to take major endurance.

Romans 5 says it best…

Romans 5:3-4 (NLT)

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

Yes, my daughter saying “mom” a thousand times throughout the day or Jai forgetting that she had homework until the day of, definitely builds character because it’s not an option to give them back. These are my loads.

Then there are my burdens. Burdens are those weights of life that we were never meant to carry. Guilt, shame, and my old friend anger. This is the reason God gave us Jesus, so that we wouldn’t have to.

Scripture tells us over and over again, to cast our troubles to Him. So I challenge you, admit your short comings. Admit we can’t do it ourselves. We are not all-knowing or all-fixing. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we allow God to do His good work in us that can truly sustain our lives. 

Psalm 55:22 

22 Cast your cares on the Lord

    and he will sustain you;

he will never let

    the righteous be shaken. 

Now, here is the plot twist. I sometimes mistake my daily loads for burdens. My anxiety takes over and I give in to it. This means I yell at the kids, I binge eat bread, and I start nit-picking my husband. It’s not a pretty picture and I don’t like doing it. Lately, Derrick and I have been challenging ourselves to do what Romans 5 instructs us to do… rejoice. I find that nothing breaks that ugly cycle like gratitude. I have to be thankful for my loads and my burdens because it means I need Jesus. 

I need Him in my parenting.

I need Him in my marriage.

I need Him at work.

I need Him in my friendships.

His load is lighter, and His way is good.






IMG_2244Derrick is practically a robot.

Yes, my dear husband lives in “can’t stop, won’t stop” mode. Just the other day he stated to me that the major reason why he refuses to rest is the fear of stopping all together. He was afraid to rest. My heart was broken for him because in those minutes of listening, I was trying to think of the last time I saw him put his feet up.

I went to bed that night concerned for my husband because we all need rest. The Bible is filled with scripture on the importance of it.

Jeremiah 31: 25 says:

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Whew. Ok so our loving creator KNEW the trials we would face and that we would grow weary and He would be ready to renew us.

After Jesus fed the five thousand, he said to his disciples in Mark 6: 31 “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.”

That is a holy command my friends, not a suggestion.

We live in a culture where we confuse a full schedule with a purposeful life.

I once read a quote that said “You have the same 24 hours in a day that Beyonce does.” Instead of motivating me, it made me feel like crap, ha ha. We do not value rest the was Jesus modeled rest in the Bible.

As I read scripture after scripture, I started seeing many verbs tied into the places where Jesus was telling us to rest by saying “dwell, walk in, lie in, enter, sleep.”


And then it hit me!

To rest does not mean to be come INACTIVE. There is such a thing as purposeful rest.

Purposeful rest brings you to Jesus feet, it restores and replenishes you. Rest in whatever way you personally seek and find Him. For me, it’s this right here. I love to write and journal and put my thoughts to paper. For Jaidyn, it’s sketching. For Derrick, it’s playing basketball or  listening to God’s Word as he cooks. *Insert praise break!*

Stop going towards the massive waves of life, and let the waves carry you to rest. This doesn’t mean you stop your journey, because even Jesus took a nap under a tree, and continued his mission to the cross. Do not be afraid to sit next to Jesus, under that tree, while He fills you up. The same God that renews and restores will be the same God that finishes that good work in you.







Mom Guilt.

We all experience it, in one form or another. An ugly guilt that keeps me up at night. I try to cover it up with an extra game of Uno, one more bedtime story, or a piece of chocolate after dinner. All in hopes of covering up the shame, that I may not be doing this mothering thing right.

Mom guilt is different than mom shame. To me, shame comes from external sources, guilt is something you put on yourself.

The biggest guilt I carry around is how different the first years were with each of my daughters. When I had Jai, my oldest, I was in nursing school at UCA for the first three years of her life. It was hectic. She spent most of those days with my parents, while I rushed to class, or while I worked 12 hour shifts every weekend. I always tell people, I may not have been married, but I was never a single mother. My parents helped every step of the way.
This is where the major mom guilt comes in. I didn’t know all the beautiful things I missed with Jaidyn. She is so incredible and I wish I could have given her true stability and well…just more of me. I wish I could remember what she smelled like or her cuddles. I remember how quiet she was during the time I was doing homework. I remember the go go go. I remember how happy she was to see me after 12 hours, only to sneak out for work at 6 am the next day. She deserved more.

In October of 2009, I met my husband and we welcomed our daughter Sophia in October of 2012. Everything was different for me. We had a home together, we were happily married, and we PRAYED that the Lord would bless us with a child. By the time I had Sophia, I was already a nurse and had decided to take 13 weeks off work to be with her. It was the best thing I could have ever imagined. I decided this time, I was going to do it the “right way”. I jumped at the opportunity to work weekend option.

Let me tell you how much of a blessing that was! I was able to drop off and pick up my children from school, be at all the classroom activities, and it gave my husband the opportunity to be a father to the girls and figure it all out on his own during the weekends. Being at home with Sophia taught me how to savor every giggle, every milestone, and even even baby tantrum. I finally felt like I was doing motherhood “right”.

Little did I know working weekends came at a price too. I missed all the family gatherings, never attended church, and became isolated from friends. I felt that while I was doing what was best for the kids, I lost myself.

Here we are at a crossroad again. My time off with with our new babe Catalina Rose has come to an end and I am sad about it. I have an amazing job with great coworkers and a great boss but I still can’t help but think that I rather be at home. I constantly try to convince Derrick to let me go part-time but as of today, that is no go. I still pray major circles around that specific want though. God knows my heart.

I don’t want fancy things, I just want to be here to raise my babies. 

I will give be thankful through it all though. Luckily, Derrick will be able to take a paid paternity leave for a month, then my dad will keep Catalina Rose until we are comfortable enough to send her daycare. So even though, it won’t be me… I know she is in good hands.

Friends, we have to let go of this mama guilt and replace it with grace. We are doing the best we can.


Log Out.

It has been about 4, going on 5 months since I have discontinued the use of all social media platforms. All except Pinterest because… get real.

The Why:

We all know how much of a distraction a phone can be. From constant notifications to the urge to express ourselves at the exact time we feel something. According to an excellent TED talk I listened to recently, scientists are starting to consider the cellphone as an “external part of our brain.” Many of us no longer give ourselves time. Time to reflect on our feelings before the social media rant, time to be bored and let that stillness guide our imagination, or time to be curious about the world without the constant need for entertainment.

Many of us won’t even look up. You know what sucks? Being in an excellent mood and smiling at a stranger… only to find that they looked up for 2 seconds and thought you were being weird.

The distraction also prevents you from the small ways to acknowledge our children. There was a FB post about a year ago about a mom who put her phone down for an hour and tallied how many times her children looked to her for guidance, acknowledgement, and some sort of affirmation. The number was huge. All those opportunities missed to build up my littles.

REALITY: Knowing that, was not enough for me to put the phone down.

I didn’t decide to log out until a friend of mine posted a FB rant about hating the fact some people can’t just enjoy the moment and over-post their fake perfect life.

OUCH. This didn’t hurt in the way you would think. It didn’t hurt because she appeared to have called me out. It hurt because my life isn’t perfect, but it’s great. Why would you think it’s fake?

The people close to me know my joy and my struggles.


How others perceive my life to be- is none of my business.

My story isn’t meant to be celebrated nor criticized, by all.

So, I logged off.

Life Now:

Since November, I have played so much Monopoly! I used to hate it, even though I  never really played it, but i’m pretty badass. I also started the 2017 reading challenge, I’m up to 10/30 books, yay! And…We’re going to Disney for Spring Break! The girls have no idea!

Overall, this journey has allowed me to let go of the pain that comes from watching other people live their lives, without you. I stopped making it so easy for people to be apart of my life without any real work.

I’ve been putting in work…towards my mothering, my marriage, my friendships, and myself. Only good things can come from that.

I miss y’all!


How to Cope: Jai Edition.

You are capable. You can do this. It’s your purpose.

I have been saying these things to myself over the last couple of weeks, and sharing them on my social media. So let’s be real…
Mothering is the hardest thing I have ever done, constantly try to improve, and most of the time I feel like I suck at it.

Parenting keeps me up at night. Just when you think you know what you’re doing, a kid sticks a rock in her ear.

Anyway, this worried me more than Samuel the rock.

J: “Mom, … I’m sad.”
Me: “Why baby?”
J: “I don’t know. I try to feel better, but I just don’t know how.”

Gut check: My oldest is experiencing a change in hormones & I may be raising a pre-teen.

This long conversation opened the door to a new landmark in motherhood: how do I help my child navigate through feelings and emotions, when I myself sometimes cannot deal.

Jai hasn’t been the best at coping because she is the most selfless, loving, patient little person I’ve ever met. She feels her feelings, and for the most part, pushes them to the side. Once she neglected to tell me about an issue at school because she said she knew I was already stressed and didn’t want to add to it.


Jai will ignore her needs, to love you better. But we all know what happens later, right?

People like this bottle everything up until they explode.
My sweet little sqeaky voiced girl is no different; she has exploded a few times before.

After seeing a pattern, I did what every parent does… I worried and read tons of parenting articles on coping.

One article states that we as parents, try to fix everything for our kids the second they are upset. TRUE.

Mentally noted. I have to stop doing that. I can’t go around fixing everything for them. They have to learn how to navigate through their own feelings and at least attempt at finding a solution.

A solution for coping looks different for everyone. For me it means indulging in romantic comedies with my old friends…carbs. I am also known to take long romantic walks down the isles of Target.

Will this work for Jai? Probably not.

So here I am, just a mom trying to help her kid figure it out.

*Disclaimer: In no way shape or form do I have life figured out. I just do stuff hoping it pulls me out the funk.

First things first: Recognize that feeling.
Recognize what you are feeling when it hits you. Am I sad, angry, or frustrated?
Once you know what you are feeling, allow yourself to really FEEL it. I find myself telling the girls that it’s ok. It’s ok to be sad Jai. It’s ok to be angry, Soph.
Second: Accept it. There’s nothing more hurtful or frustrating than someone telling you that you have no reason to feel the way you feel. Or being told to get over it.
If I am mad, no matter how irrational it may be, Derrick now knows to let me be mad. The last piece of pie he ate, even though I had been thinking about it all freaking day, becomes irrelevant after a little jam session to Backstreet Boys and a steaming hot shower.

Here’s a little science:

Coping skills can be developed into brain habits. If our children learn to recongnize emotions and the stressors that accompany them, then they can learn to cope accordingly.
If you train your brain to recongize anger, and then you decide the best way you cope with it is running ( or any other activity) then your mind will resort to that coping mechanism when anger appears. That is how habits develop.

As parents, it is our duty to equip our children early with proper coping mechanisms. If we can show them a healthy way to deal with breaking their favorite toy or the loss of a beloved pet, then maybe one day they will be able to handle a broken heart or loss of a friendship.

Words of advice to my girl:

  • Let yourself be _______. (angry, sad, frustrated.) Give yourself time to feel whatever you are feeling, don’t rush through it because it will catch up with you later.
  • Positive self talk. “I maybe sad now, but I want to be happy and I will go find things that make me feel better.” Even if you don’t feel it now, prepare yourself for getting out of the funk. Funks come and go. Just set your mind and heart to know that they don’t last forever because of God’s love and promises to you.
  • Find what helps pull you out of the funk. For her it was mommy-daughter date nights. A new book. Bubble baths.
  • Create a life of healthy habits: Go to bed at the same time every night. Wake up early. Take your vitamins. Drink water. Condition your hair. Eat fruit and veggies. Move your body everyday.

Music to soothe your soul. Reading to take you to different times and places. & fur babies to love you back.

How do you cope? I know many of my readers find joy at Target.

Whatever you do, enjoy the process. Let yourself feel, it is what let’s us know we’re alive.

Your friend,


The Gift of Less.

dsc02135Several years ago we decided to move forward with minimalism but had not yet found a way to apply it to Christmas. Being the overachiever that I am, I would find myself wanting to make Christmas so magical, that I would get consumed on buying things that my children didn’t need, or even wanted all because I had a certain image in my head about the way Christmas should be.

I came across the idea of keeping gifts to a minimum. The approach of buying in 4 to 5 categories. We would gift the children: something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. My favorite add on has been: something to do.

This year my children are going to love their gifts!

A Want: Barbie dream house with a Barbie remote control car
A Need: PJs
To Wear: Rainboots
To Read: Jai is getting the Percy Jackson Series and Sophia is getting a sticker activity book.
To Do: Jai is getting a sewing craft on how make a poncho. Sophia will get new finger paints.
Previously we bought the children a trip to Frozen on Ice and in the future I see sewing lessons and maybe one day soon, Disney World!


Don’t forget to encourage the children to clean out their toy box before the holidays to make space for new things. This routine prevents toy clutter. Have the children separate their toys in 3 piles: keep, gift, broken/trash. Trick: keep the toys in a bag or chest that allows for a quick visual inspection for when it is time to declutter.

The big basket is full of puzzles, dinosaurs, and other figurines. The small blue basket holds the furniture to the dollhouse.


While you can manage the gift-giving in the home, it can be hard to address this with other family members. I felt the need to share the idea of less gifts to our family because I would notice Jai being excited to gather for the holidays for the gifts, and not necessarily to spend time with family. I didn’t want her correlating love with material things. I want her to be excited to see family simply because they are family.

When the children receive gifts they may already have or are outside of their developmental stage, we keep them in a box. Jai used to cry when we first implemented this. Why couldn’t she keep the new art set even though she already had three?!

We place all duplicates in a box that we gift out of all year! This is helpful for when you’re invited to a birthday party and have to find a last minute gift. The toys that are not gifted by the end of the year, my mom takes to Mexico and hands them out to the children on the border. Jai no longer cries at the thought of gifting to child who may not have had a brand new toy.



Story time.

Growing up in devout Catholic family, I don’t remember gifts being the center of Christmas. I remember all of our family hosting a posada. Posada meaning “home, lodging” is a Spanish tradition of re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s search for rest the night Jesus was born. Everyone sings and prays. Towards the end of the posada, if you prayed, you would get a piece of candy.
On the night before Christmas we would set out one of our shoes under the bare tree with hopes that El Nino Dios (baby Jesus) would bring you a gift. You know, not too many presents fit under your shoe. I remember the best gift was a blue see-through Apple desktop, I was in heaven! As I got older, I stopped sitting out my shoe, but I remember being 16 and my dad telling me to sit it out just in case. I woke up to find nothing under my shoe, but inside was a pretty gold necklace. Good presents, but even better memories and traditions. That goes to show that just because you keep the gifts to a minimum, doesn’t mean that can’t be of good value.

During this season, I hope we remember the love and spirit of Christmas. Let’s remind our children that we have been given the ultimate gift: a savior.

Let’s redirect our children and ourselves to seek the beauty of tradition, family, and the joy of Jesus this holiday season!





my to-do list has a to-do list.


Y’all I cannot express how much I love stationery. Notebooks, calendars, agendas, and planners make my heart flutter!

I love sitting down on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee updating my many planners.

This post is dedicated to the many ways I attempt to get my life together. (Get used to this phrase because it’s an everyday struggle).

My first love: Budgeting.

Derrick & I have a special month-to-month calendar specifically used for budgeting. I won’t emphasize on the importance of financial health, especially in a marriage but I will say this gem has helped us grow in savings, giving, and bill management. What we do is write out all bills in the front by chronological order of due dates and then schedule them out each month so they are always on time. This also gives us the opportunity to foresee what we are expected to pay ahead of time so we can plan around it (comes in handy for saving, Christmas, and vacations).

On Fridays, I list the bills I am responsible for. Saturdays shows Derrick’s list.

Family Calendar

We also have a large family calendar that is placed in the kitchen. This is a general calendar with birthdays, no-school days, and special events such as picture days or family outings. This gives us a quick peak of the month so we can plan childcare as needed or attempt a date night. This calendar has been a benefit for our oldest child who always has to have a plan to decrease her anxious heart. Jai is now able to see when she has a Girl Scouts meeting or birthday party. She also becomes responsible in updating the calender to keep us updated of events she wants us aware of.


Personal Agenda

This is for my to-do list. Meetings, deadlines, to-dos, to-buys, and scheduled work-out sessions. Yes, I schedule my work-outs. If it goes in the planner, it has to happen, end of story. I’m sure y’all are familiar with this, so moving on.

Bullet Journal

Have y’all heard of a bullet journal? OH. MY. GOSH. I created a very basic one from a squared notebook from Office Depot but you can make these super fancy. It allows me to gather all kinds of ideas in one place and make them as creative as my time allows!

My favorite part of my bullet journal is my habit tracker. You do this by making a quick list of the things you want to make a priority in your life. Something like a check list for habits. For me this includes: water intake, exercise, blogging, dates with Derrick, vitamins, good rest, and self care (mani, pedi, facials). I love being able to color or check a square knowing I did something good for myself that day. It also gives me a chance to see patterns. If I missed 4 days of working out I think about the whys and adjust accordingly. The same goes for dates with Derrick, it makes me work harder to find that extra time to spend with him if I see it’s been a while. The habit trackers allows me to focus on the choices that make for a better day, which in turn make for a better life!

In September I noticed that when I exercised, I didn’t read much. I took all my vitamins but didn’t practice yoga as much as I would have wanted to. Derrick and I had 3 dates in September! (That is major!)

The bullet journal can store all kinds of things like list of books you want to read, blog ideas, home improvement projects, weight loss goals, etc. Below are some of my examples. If you wish to explore more, here is the link for my Pinterest board on Bullet Journal Ideas!

How do you keep you and your family in sweet order?



The Space Left Behind.

newbykitchenMany of you may not know that our family practices minimalism. I actually do not like that word because it associates with less, and our blessings are anything but.

I consider our life to be practical, pleasurable, and decluttered. That’s better.

Some of my friends have asked me the “hows”, but not the “whys” of our lifestyle, until today. I have never thought about it before, until I answered her.

The why is simple, it brings us peace.

We didn’t choose to one day just get rid of all our stuff, because decluttering is more than that. It is more than just possessions. To declutter is to rid yourself of all objects, thoughts, habits, and distractions that do not lead to the joy of living your purpose.

Now don’t you get up and start throwing everything away. Let’s discuss it further.

First things first, let us prepare. To begin decluttering you have to begin in thankfulness. I am thankful for all I have, have had, and will one day have. I walk and talk (for another blog post) with a sense of abundance. I am made for more, I was promised more, and I have to make room for more. Once you prepare that mindset and your heart…. then you will have the ability to begin to let go, and MAKE ROOM FOR ABUNDANCE.

Preparation is key because if you haven’t cleared your heart of the things that hold you down from future potential then you won’t be prepared to cleanse. You will end up feeling deprived and unsatisfied. I don’t want anyone feeling that way. The goal is peace, remember that.

On to debunk some myths about this way of life…

Myth: You have to get rid of everything.

Gut check: some possessions make you happy. That is totally ok friend. If my house was on fire I would run to get my photo albums and some of my childhood books. No, I’m not getting rid of my books, end of story. Be minimalist where it matters. If it doesn’t align with your dreams or greater purpose, chunk it. I buy enough clothes just to prevent from being naked, this is where I declutter, because it doesn’t matter to me. Rid yourself of all those distractions that prevent you from investing in the things you really love the most!

Myth: Keep it. You may need it, someday.

I understand the concept of investments, but I just go about it differently. I don’t buy things for “just in case.” When we initially bought our home, I was going crazy at the thought that I had to buy so much stuff to fill the spaces and stock up on things people who own a home need. Needless to say, I felt overwhelmed and was taken over with anxiety. Trying to decide what took priority. In the first six months, I needed a drill. I ended up calling my dad that day to borrow his drill. My father warned me that I needed to purchase our own drill. I said, “Why? When I can just come over and borrow yours.” He smiled at me. If you didn’t know, my father is legally blind. Not being able to provide for the family hit him hard. I know I can buy my own drill and YouTube how to work it. But the joy he experiences when he is needed, is much more valuable to me.

Myth: I deprive myself.

My purchases are usually well thought out. If I see something I like, I read reviews. Most times, this alone kills my desire to buy it. Next, I give myself time. After a week or so, if I still believe I want it, I know that it is not because of an urge. I have to be really careful with purchases because I get a terrible case of buyer’s remorse and it is not pretty. The things that I really needed and loved, never make me feel that way. We recently upgraded our computer that I have had since my freshman year in college and bought something economical. Well, in the first week the processor was slow and I was having to reboot it often. I told Derrick that night, take it back, and give me my Apple. (Which he talked me out of initially because of price.) I may limit the amount of my wants, but I don’t skimp out on quality.

Myth: That’s not feasible, with children.

A space to read.

Ah, the children. The primary reason we started this. Children aren’t much different than we are. Kids are flighty. Kids are easily distracted. Kids today have a sense of entitlement. Derrick and I moved forward with this lifestyle because IT HELPED OUR ANXIETY. Ha!

Living this way has helped our marriage but above all, our parenting. When we don’t have tons of stuff, we don’t have much to clean. Because the girls don’t have many toys, they focus on the things they truly love. Sophia will spend hours building with Legos and Jai spends hours doodling and coloring. Not being overwhelmed with options has helped them (and us) be able to FOCUS on what they love.

If you have ever been to the Newby nest, you can see we don’t have tons of furniture to take up space. Many people see a void, an area that needs to be filled. Funny thing is that, I do too friend. My children ride bikes inside, chase the cat and dog around, jump-rope when it’s raining. That empty space holds art galleries, forts, and movie nights. The void is filled with so much possibility.

Friends, you don’t have to declutter today. Slowly open up your home, schedule, mind, and soul for what really matters, to you.

Whenever and however you live, let’s all walk in thankfulness, while we prepare for abundance.

Always your friend,




Be Still & Know.


Hi friends.

I appreciate you all taking the time to come by. This post will be a little lengthy but I had to share my heart on this matter.

As you all know I take a leave from social media every year for lent. I need to remind myself to enjoy the moments without the need to document it. Every year my husband enjoys it because less mindless strolling and surfing means more cuddles and kisses.

Is it just me or does anyone else find themselves waking up, going straight for the phone and start the “mindless stroll” with the need to constantly refresh?

I work up like this, I went to bed like this. (Definitely not something that I was proud of. I don’t want my children to remember me with a phone attached to my hand. More of this later…)

I was reading on one of my favorite Christian mommy blogs, about “reverse lenting“. This means that you not only give up something for 40 days but you decide to take something on. Back to how I want to be remembered by my children… I want my girls to know without a doubt that I loved the Lord with all my heart. What better way for them to see my love for God than to see me read and study the Word?

I wanted to study the Word of God in a way that would make me fall in love all over again. I do not know how I came across the idea of Bible Journaling but from the moment I saw it, I fell in love. I love to doodle, color, and create. Someone said that people can worship in more than one way. What better way than with art! Wow! Reading his Word, creates a fire in me, and in turn I can place that on paper.


One of my soul friends, Steph W. had mentioned that she keeps a journal of each of her children and will write love letters to them. I thought, how beautiful! I incorporated her wonderful idea in the Bible that I started doodling in to produce a love letter to my girls in the presence of THE GREATEST LOVE LETTER ever written! I dedicated the Bible to my daughters:

“My darlings, the greatest lesson in love comes from your Creator. As you read the beautiful promises of our loving Father, remember that He loves you.. Be kind, courageous, strong, hopeful, and righteous. If we do life according to his Word, we will always be together. Enjoy these passages, take in life. And be on the look out for my tid-bits, just things I have learned along the way. Seek Him with all your heart, and there we will all be. Forever Yours, Mom.”


I never knew what it meant to pray without ceasing. I typically prayed before meals or when someone asked for a specific prayer. My beautiful friend Cescily stores prayers for her son. He prays that he finds a righteous wife, that he becomes an excellent father, that he can withstand peer pressure, etc. If there’s a worry, she has a prayer for it. Following her example, I chose to pray…non-stop.

One day in the shower, I dropped to my knees and really called out to God. Before I am to His feet with prayer requests, I really had to humble myself to just lay at His feet. I have learned to just be still, in the quiet, and just take in His presence.

My prayers, once timid and fragile, are now bold and life-giving!

I have asked for the spirit to fill me with patience, humility, joy, wisdom, comfort. I have learned to not pray for my circumstances to change, but for my heart to change. To understand. To hope. To feel.

When you pray for all that, things happen. Change happens. You become filled.

I have embraced being spirit-lead. That’s another blog post. Another lesson learned: He left the Spirit for me. I must make myself aware to the guidance of the spirit, for it is always with me.

image2What I learned by being off social media:

  • As you all know social media gives a sense of relevance. You matter, people care. You would think I have tons of friends based upon how many people comment or like my posts. Social media (or the devil, yet another topic) somehow tricked me into thinking that the relationships I have maintained, were VALID. To my surprise, when you take away that outlet, you are left alone. People have become so dependent on the news feeds and timeline that there is no real effort.


  • I quickly realized that I am at fault. It is my fault for making it so easy to be apart of my little family’s life. That is not the way it should be. I have replaced life-giving friendships for a simple “like”. The devil would want nothing more than to keep you separated from people who guide you and love you in the manner God intended. WOW!

It is no surprise that once I stay away from updating, that I felt lonely. It was hurtful to see the reality of the absence of REAL RELATIONSHIPS.

  • The devil could have used those feelings of loneliness and sadness to pull me away from God. To show me that these 40 days were pure silliness. But because I was in the Word, praying, seeking, and searching… God showed me, in what I thought was loneliness, that I AM NOT ALONE.

Shout out to Pastor Rick from New Life Church. He once said that in order for you to hear the Word of God, you have to come close enough to hear His whisper. He pulled me away from the distractions to bring me back to Him! In the mist of my sadness He became my comfort, my joy, my friend. I experienced everything I had been reading/studying about!

My 40 days taught me that we cannot simply remove a sin, a bad habit, or negativity. We must replace and replenish it with something good. Fill you heart with His everlasting love and let it pour out of you.



*The Bible I use for journaling is the NIV Note-Takers Bible. The pen is a Micron 005 that does not bleed through. The color pencils are Crayola Twistables in the 30 pack.*