burdens & loads.

It took me a long time to find this rock in my yard. The dog and my neighbors looked at me like I was insane.

Hi friends, 

I’ve been feeling somewhat heavy hearted lately, nothing is necessarily wrong. Just daily life. You know the normal hustle of the day. I seem to get swept away by the daily anxieties of life: did I pay that bill, did I call my mom, have I fed the dog, did I give Sophia her snack? 

Our life can get pretty overwhelming if believe we’re made to handle it all ourselves. I believe much of our struggles come from not knowing what to carry and what to leave at Jesus’ feet. 

So let’s talk loads and burdens. Loads are the daily responsibilities of life. If you learn how to somewhat effectively carry loads, it can help you grow spiritually and strengthen your relationship with God and others. In my life this means dealing with an eye-rolling pre-teen, surviving dinner (someone always cries because of what’s on the plate, and most often it’s me), and attempting to make my health a priority. These daily struggles take up so much energy, but as stated in Romans 3, they are made to create endurance. And we all know marriage and parenting is going to take major endurance.

Romans 5 says it best…

Romans 5:3-4 (NLT)

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

Yes, my daughter saying “mom” a thousand times throughout the day or Jai forgetting that she had homework until the day of, definitely builds character because it’s not an option to give them back. These are my loads.

Then there are my burdens. Burdens are those weights of life that we were never meant to carry. Guilt, shame, and my old friend anger. This is the reason God gave us Jesus, so that we wouldn’t have to.

Scripture tells us over and over again, to cast our troubles to Him. So I challenge you, admit your short comings. Admit we can’t do it ourselves. We are not all-knowing or all-fixing. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we allow God to do His good work in us that can truly sustain our lives. 

Psalm 55:22 

22 Cast your cares on the Lord

    and he will sustain you;

he will never let

    the righteous be shaken. 

Now, here is the plot twist. I sometimes mistake my daily loads for burdens. My anxiety takes over and I give in to it. This means I yell at the kids, I binge eat bread, and I start nit-picking my husband. It’s not a pretty picture and I don’t like doing it. Lately, Derrick and I have been challenging ourselves to do what Romans 5 instructs us to do… rejoice. I find that nothing breaks that ugly cycle like gratitude. I have to be thankful for my loads and my burdens because it means I need Jesus. 

I need Him in my parenting.

I need Him in my marriage.

I need Him at work.

I need Him in my friendships.

His load is lighter, and His way is good.






IMG_2244Derrick is practically a robot.

Yes, my dear husband lives in “can’t stop, won’t stop” mode. Just the other day he stated to me that the major reason why he refuses to rest is the fear of stopping all together. He was afraid to rest. My heart was broken for him because in those minutes of listening, I was trying to think of the last time I saw him put his feet up.

I went to bed that night concerned for my husband because we all need rest. The Bible is filled with scripture on the importance of it.

Jeremiah 31: 25 says:

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Whew. Ok so our loving creator KNEW the trials we would face and that we would grow weary and He would be ready to renew us.

After Jesus fed the five thousand, he said to his disciples in Mark 6: 31 “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.”

That is a holy command my friends, not a suggestion.

We live in a culture where we confuse a full schedule with a purposeful life.

I once read a quote that said “You have the same 24 hours in a day that Beyonce does.” Instead of motivating me, it made me feel like crap, ha ha. We do not value rest the was Jesus modeled rest in the Bible.

As I read scripture after scripture, I started seeing many verbs tied into the places where Jesus was telling us to rest by saying “dwell, walk in, lie in, enter, sleep.”


And then it hit me!

To rest does not mean to be come INACTIVE. There is such a thing as purposeful rest.

Purposeful rest brings you to Jesus feet, it restores and replenishes you. Rest in whatever way you personally seek and find Him. For me, it’s this right here. I love to write and journal and put my thoughts to paper. For Jaidyn, it’s sketching. For Derrick, it’s playing basketball or  listening to God’s Word as he cooks. *Insert praise break!*

Stop going towards the massive waves of life, and let the waves carry you to rest. This doesn’t mean you stop your journey, because even Jesus took a nap under a tree, and continued his mission to the cross. Do not be afraid to sit next to Jesus, under that tree, while He fills you up. The same God that renews and restores will be the same God that finishes that good work in you.







How the Word got me off the couch.

dsc01379For the last few years I have chosen a Bible verse to apply to the new year. In late 2015, I came across a verse that little did I know, would consume my entire being.

2015 was a great year, but I don’t recall much of it. I was pretty much a living mom zombie. It was the year of TIRED. I had so much intention, but no energy to take on my ever-growing to-do list.

I wasn’t searching for my 2016 verse, but prayed continuously for guidance on tackling everyday life. I don’t know about y’all but even all the ordinary things became difficult to overcome. How fitting that God sent me a verse so life-giving, that it basically jumped from the pages of Proverbs, straight in to my heart.

Proverbs 31:27
She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Gut punch. Thanks Father, you basically just called me lazy. You know that feeling when someone calls you out and then you get defensive. Yeah, I couldn’t do that. Not with him. He knows my heart. So instead of dwelling in my shortcomings. I held tight to those words.

I can’t tell you how many times I said it out loud, how many times I looked at it on my desk, and wrote it in my notebooks.

I had to let it marinate. I didn’t really know what God wanted me to do with it, or how to let it help me.

When you truly meditate on the Word of God, it speaks to you. The words may be the same on paper, but the Spirit delivers it to you in such a way that helps and heals you. When I feel these words, God isn’t calling me lazy.

He is telling me, I have purpose. I have much to do.

The beginning of the verse states “she looks well.” Looks, present tense, continuously. To look is to observe, to focus, and to notice. Ok God, I hear you, calling me to put the distraction away and look. I learned so much about my family, when I cleared the distractions, and focused. We can miss so much, by being distracted. I will never forget a post circulating Facebook last year involving a mom that decided to put her phone down for an hour to see how many times her children looked to her for direction, approval, and guidance. I cannot recall the exact number, but it was many times over. Can you imagine, so many missed opportunities to build up our husbands and children!

I was overtaken with guilt, but as we know, we can only move forward and forward I went, with my verse.

Sophia, my little loud bundle of joy, will never let you ignore her needs. Jaidyn, is my quiet soul. Jaidyn, like Derrick, hides her hurt and disappointment. For so long I was missing Jaidyn’s cues that she needed me. Either I was missing it completely or I wasn’t digging deep enough.

Story time: Earlier this year Jai was being ignored by a classmate. I attempted to teach her the hard lesson that not everyone wants to be your friend. Jai wasn’t having that. It hurt me to see Jai try to convience someone that she was worth knowing. One day she came home and requested extra chores in an attempt to purchase a Monster High book. I told her no initially and lectured her because she hadn’t finished her last book. The look on her face was more than just disappointment from not buying a book. Later that night, I asked her why this book was so important to her and she let me know that it was the favorite book of the girl who didn’t want to be her friend. It was common ground, to build a friendship on. Oh.

I almost missed this. I can’t believe I almost dismissed it.

Spoiler: A month later, this loving and patient daughter of mine gained a real friendship. The same child who ignored Jai… when asked who she was thankful for, stood up in class and said “Jaidyn”.

When you “look well” you’re able to love your tribe better.

The last part of the verse was to not eat the bread of idleness.

The Bible says so much about laziness. Again, after letting this dwell, I refused to wear that label. Instead I took this as encouragement.

How can you be idle, when I have promised you so much?

Half of my to-do list was not being accomplished not because I didn’t have time or intent. But because my old habits were preventing me from being the woman my family needed me to be!

I read an amazing book titled The Power of Habit that opened my eyes to my old habits and a way to reprogram new ones.

One of the of suggestions the book gives, is to be aware of the cue that begins your routine. For me that was my couch. Honey, I would grab a coffee and as soon as my bum hit that couch, there went my whole day. So what did I do? I got rid of that cue. I got rid of my couch. Drastic right? Well, I needed drastic. I needed change.

My brain started freaking out because it didn’t go into habit mode aka preservation mode, and had to work hard to build new habits. Once I came home, I didn’t sit down. I would drink my coffee while tackling my to-do list.

I thought to myself, if I can change my old habit, then I can for sure build amazing habits in my littles.

So with time I have been able to instill a routine of productiveness. Come home, feed dog, play with dog, do homework, have snack, play, reading, more play, dinner, bath, read some more, sleep.

Once those healthy habits are in place, they become instilled in you.

Guess what happened when some of those habits were formed… I didn’t have to ask or remind them as much and extra bonus…I yell less.

When these habits formed, we now have time for more walks, more Uno after dinner, more cuddles on the couch.

Don’t get me wrong, there are still tears, pouting, and temper tantrums, but not nearly as bad than before. They are now aware of their role in this family. Through me refusing to remain idle, my children have learned that they have greater things to do too.

Friends, I have learned that we are made to rejoice in doing. Our hearts were not made to remain idle but to be awaken and proactive in the loving of our tribe.

Please share the scripture that has encouraged you in this year, I would love to hear it.

Your friend,
