

Hello friends,
As you know, I work weekends and never make it to church. So it’s always great to see what my family has learned later that night. This past Sunday Derrick shared this story with me. Now I share it with you…

“This Sunday’s lesson from church was about having God’s dream for your life. They used the movie Up as a reference. Like the character Carl, we all have dreams. Some of us are living it out, while others like Carl feel the embedded need to chase it. As he and Ellie never got to visit the wilds of South America. After church, I asked Jaidyn what she learned. She could not remember at first so I started telling her about what I learned. God has a dream for all of us.After a few minutes she stated that she remembers and says “I have a dream.” To no surprise, she states she wants to be a fashion designer. I decided to go deeper though.

I asked her how she would use this dream to bring glory to God and to his people?
She said “that’s a good question daddy. Give me a minute.” She runs off to her room to think and then comes back to say. “When I become a fashion designer I will make clothes for homeless people, for LESS THAN A DOLLAR!” She was pretty excited about it too. I could’nt do anything but reassure her that it was an amazing dream, and to go for it.”

While this blog post started off as a great lesson to our daughters on God’s purpose/dream for our life, it opened my eyes to something deeper: My husband is a walking, talking, serving man of God.

While he struggles to find his “earthy purpose” (what he wants to do for living) it never stops him from his “kingdom purpose.”

God uses him everywhere.

Derrick’s dream is to feed people, (so much like my mother who fed the entire neighborhood after school), he works with computer technology.

Until his dream for his life unravels, it doesn’t stop him from his ultimate purpose: to build our daughters for the Kingdom.

I am amazed at every lesson, every tender touch, and every kind word he has given them.
Derrick, while you teach Jaidyn about dreams and purpose. just know that because of you and God’s love for me, I am living mine.

-Always Yours, Rosa

Gifted & Talented

imageToday we received a nomination slip for Jaidyn for the Gifted & Talented program. While the old me would have been jumping in excitement. My reaction was different though. As I was filling out the paperwork, having to check the qualities that I believe she possesses.


I stopped checking boxes and started smiling to myself. Jaidyn is GIFTED & TALENTED! Her gifts are unremarkable. Her light shines so bright that she cannot be ignored. This past Christmas break Jaidyn went to visit her great great grandmother Odessa’s cousin in Fort Smith. She lives in a nursing home. Grandmother came home to tell me that Jaidyn made everyone so happy on the trip. She even took pictures of the nursing home residents and staff with her tablet. Jaidyn has never met a stranger. She helps our elderly neighbor with her grocery bags. She takes her thank you notes seriously.

Here’s a tear jerker: Jaidyn has a male classmate that has anger issues. One day she came home to tell me that this little boy threw his desk against the wall. Of course I was mortified. I asked Jaidyn if she wanted to move to another part of the classroom. She says “no mommy. I’m not scared. I can help calm him down.” I was so amazed at this little girl with no fear in her heart. She proceeds to grab a card and begins to write:

“It’s ok if you get mad. You’re still a good person. I still want to be your friend. Love Jaidyn.”

Tears are rolling down my face as I read it of course. The next few days I get a call from Jaidyn’s teacher. She tells me that the day after she gave this little boy the card, the mom contacted her and they both started crying. She begins to tell me that she said “I needed that more than anything.” She had to know that she was doing something right. So, yes… she is gifted. And I am so thankful.